Monday, March 10, 2014

Softball vs. Baseball

Softball, created in 1887, is a popular sport for teenage girls.  Many girls take this sport seriously and work hard.  People often think that softball and baseball are the same sport but they have some differences.  For example, there are no screws allowed in your cleats.  For baseball those are allowed.  One of the most obvious differences between baseball and softball is that in softball the ball is bigger.  The circumference of the ball is 11-12 inches whereas the baseball is about 9 inches.  When the game was invented, it was played with a bigger ball so they just invented it like that.  Also, men invented the game and played the sport first!  Softball was created as a indoor sport but is played outside today.  Softball is only played up to 7 innings where baseball has 9.  However the bat in softball is much smaller than the baseball bat.  The softball pitch is much different than the baseball pitch.  The baseball pitch is thrown over hand and the softball pitch is thrown under hand.  Many girls get scholarships for softball and even play in college.  Softball is a great sport to play! Blog ya later!

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